Lately, I've been totally obsessed with desserts… although I'm mostly Norwegian, and my Mom always told me my sweet tooth came from "that side" of my family. (Hehehe, you must also understand that I'm a pretty picky eater, and have always preferred sweets over savory dishes.) Anyhoo, I know I was just bitching about how hard those cake pops were to make, but I let my husband have the last one, and then snap! I made another batch - just like that! Actually, the second batch was much easier, I knew what not to do this time around.

I used candy molds in the shapes of orchids and plumeria and purple candy melts to make these, and my new favorite tool - the candy melt squeeze bottle. You can melt chocolate or candy melts right inside it, either in the microwave - or a hot bowl of water*! (Heather Bailey's dubbed this the March of Tools and I couldn't help but share my newest find!) I tried to make the centers darker purple, and the outer petals lighter; but the effect turned out much more subtle than I'd hoped. It's okay, I think they're just lovely anyway! I was so happy to find the perfect color yarn leftover in my stash to tie these up. So pretty.

It's been hard not to get too distracted making sweet treats, I'm in the middle of moving my craft room from an upper bedroom to my dining room; and it's hard and not always as creatively satisfying as trying my hand at a new craft. Just keep painting, just keep painting... Grin.

*The fact that I could still decorate the first batch of cake pops, even though my microwave up and died on me - right in the middle of making them pretty - totally sold me.