- Pattern - Lace Ribbon Scarf by Veronik Avery, from Spring 08 Knitty
- Yarn - Malabrigo Lace in Lavanda, 470yds 50g (2 skeins)
- Needles - Knit Picks Interchangeable Circulars, sz6 & 24" cable
- Size - 14" wide by 60" long, unblocked
I was trying to decide if I wanted to block it or not, I think it's got great texture unblocked - and I really like it this way. I love in that first photo, that you can see the art. It's a piece by Christian Lassen of a purple Hawaiian sunset, and it's one of my favorite pieces.
I don't know why I've been so interested in knitting scarves and wraps lately, maybe because gauge doesn't matter quite as much. Maybe because if I don't like it for myself, I can always hang onto it and gift it to someone later (who'd do that with a sweater, hehehe?!?!?!)
See what I mean about the texture? It's kind of nice this way, I'm leaning towards not blocking it. Any thoughts?