I really liked this sweater when I first saw the pattern, but I was not feeling the Red Heart 100% acrylic yarn that it called for. Plus the author made her own ribbon yarn for the sash; and while I can admire her clout - just couldn't be bothered to make my own yarn for this, especially when I found a suitable bamboo tape yarn to substitute. (Sirdar Just Bamboo, in Lotus white - I bought an extra ball so I could lengthen the sash slightly, to 3".)
I'm planning on avoiding as much of the seaming as possible, as it's my least favorite knitting related activity. I knit as much of the sleeve as I could in the round, and I'll pick up along the split edge for the bodice; first the "sash" in white bamboo (seed st,) then the ribbed lower body in the main color again. If I can manage it so I only have ends to weave in to finish, I'll be a happy camper!!!This is Sirdar Snuggly DK in 398 Soft Mint, on size 6 needles. Surprisingly, I only went up one needle size to get the pattern's reccomended gauge; so I was pleased. Normally it's 2, and sometimes it's 3 or more!
I sorta have a beef with this yarn though… so far, each ball has a very strange defect. Between 1/8th and 1/5th of the way into winding center pull balls (from the outside,) the strand was cut. It just ended, but it was a clean break - not like the yarn had been pulled apart. I was so baffled for the first and second balls, that I could barely believe my strand wasn't knotted to the adjoining end, or had obviously split from it. Now, I'm keeping track of it, and will have another update once I wind the rest of it. Ugh. I may write Sirdar about it, splicing in all of those extra ends (if I end up needing to, cross my fingers I don't!) is going to be a bitch.
Since I missed Stitches this year, I decided I wanted to go to Knitche to check out their selection of Handmaiden Sea Silk yarn. I haven't been able to find it near me, so I met my sister there, and we did lunch afterwards. I was hoping to find the Capri colorway, light aquas with lilacs & some deeper purples; but they didn't have it.
I settled for one skein of Great Big Sea Silk in the Glacier colorway, and fell in love with some super soft 4 ply cashmere (also by Handmaiden, and in Glacier as well.) I didn't know what I wanted to make with it though, so I picked up 3 skeins so it would work for a variety of knitted objects. Admittedly, I spent more than I was planning - but the cashmere is to-die-for amazing; and I just couldn't resist it! LOL
I also got a wonderful lace-weight from Prism, the colors are different for me but they're absolutely gorgeous! It reminded me of Padme's lake gown from the second Star Wars, dip-dyed chiffon that flowed from yellow to pink and then a light purple. This yarn has some peach in it as well, but the shades are so delicate and yummy! I didn't have a project in mind for this yarn either, but at 1460yds, I doubt I'll run into any problems with having too little yardage. (I wanted to picture this as well, but couldn't get the colors right after correcting.) Please excuse the poor lighting of these photos, I was waiting all weekend for the sun to come out, and it's just been rainy and grey. One of these days I'll get around to getting an Ott-lite to supplement the lack of Chicago sunlight. I was hoping to find a coupon to use, they can be expensive at full retail price.
What's your favorite yarn purchase - splurge or steal? I would've said SWTC Bamboo til this weekend, and now it's hands down this cashmere! I kept having to press it to my face, it's just sooooo soft!
When I first saw this bag in the Boden's catalog, I really liked it. I wanted to get a project bag to go to Stitches with, and it was going to take 2 weeks to get here from the UK. So I went shopping, and didn't really find anything I liked. It's fall, and I didn't see any interesting colors. Only one turquoise bag, and I didn't care for the trim. (I did find a gorgeous t-shirt at J. crew though, violet with a velvet griffon on it - love it!)
Anyway, after the fruitless shopping trip I decided to look over the catalog again, and I just couldn't get over the Squashy bag. Vibrant colors, supple butter-soft leather and tons of room on the inside made this the perfect knitting project bag for me. I ordered it Friday, by Sunday it was backordered, and I had it by the following Saturday (with free shipping, to boot!) I'd highly recommend Boden's, I found them through Alicia's blog; and I know I'll be ordering more from them. It's UK sizing, so I'm a little scared of screwing up pants sizing; but they have the most gorgeous clothing. Elegant and classic, but trendy too, just not in an immature way - just what I'm looking for.
*Special thoughts go out to Alicia, who's dog unexpectedly passed away this week. Audrey was such a sweet girl, even though I never met her. We in blogland will miss her terribly, though not nearly as much as Alicia and Andy. My thoughts are with you two during these tough times.
I started this last week so I'd have an easy project to work on while I was at Stitches with my Mom & sister. And then, I got sick Friday morning, the day I was supposed to go. Ugh, I had even reigned in the yarn spending when I hit Wool & co a few weeks ago (for the first time! Love it!) Oy, ok - so anyway, I had an easy project to work on while I wasn't feeling so good.

This is one of the suprises from the summer Knitty, and even though it's so similar to my Montego Bay scarf, (by the same author too!) I really like it. The yarn's not nearly as soft (hemp on this project, bamboo on the scarf,) but I think it might get softer after a wash. Even if it doesn't, I could always make the handles out of something softer; I haven't really thought about them, or the drawstring yet.

The color is probably better in the second picture than the first, but it seemed so dark that I lightened it up a bit. Normally, I'd want to go back and fix it, but I've got better things to do today! LOL
It didn't take me very long to knit my Montego Bay Scarf; but I did take 5 days to cast it off and weave in the ends! LOL I finished it just in time to wear it to BogHer, and I'm glad I did. It was nice to wear something I made. It was a super easy peasy knit, and I love it in the bamboo - so incredibly soft! (I've been meaning to post this now for over a week, I didn't get the pics I wanted the fist time I photographed it. I think these turned out great, though!)Specs - Pattern: Montego Bay Scarf by Amy Singer (Interweave Knits, Summer 07)Yarn: Southwest Trading Company Bamboo in Intensity, 1 1/3 balls (just over 300yds)Needles: Knit Picks Options Interchangeable circulars, size 10Started Monday July 16th, finished knitting July 23 (cast off & wove in ends 7/27)
I opted to shorten my scarf up a bit, the pattern size was 7" wide by 80" long, and I thought that might be a bit too long. I also decided to leave the fringe off, I braided one piece with the tail ends and didn't think I'd like the look for how much work braiding the rest of the fringe would be. My finished measurements are about 6-8" wide by 72" long. The width is tricky, because the lace just keeps on stretching!
I absolutely love this FO, and plan to make more Montego Bay scarves (quick knit = great gift!) It was great tv knitting, and the results look so pretty, even though it was super easy! That's my favorite kind of project lately - big impact with minimal effort! Stay tuned for another Amy Singer pattern, I just cast on for the Everlasting Bagstopper from this summer's Knitty!